Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Saudi Arabia Holiday

                    A famous Saudi Arabian Holiday I enjoy is The Feast of the end of the Ramadan. This holiday is the 9th month of the year. The feast follows a month of fasting for us Saudi Arabians.
                   Basically we pig out after we have lived off of very little food for a month. People (including me) celebrate it by making a lot of food for everyone to eat and we basically go ham on it for the next week until we cant eat anymore. The fasting just proves that we can give up stuff for god and appreciate what we have so we only eat when the sun is down which is morning and late at night. This is apart of our religion and to celebrate us making it threw the hard time of not eating we all get together and eat a lot of food basically as an accomplishment.
                   It is hard and you get tempted throughout the day to eat but you need to keep yourself busy so you don't think about it so you can show god and help support the religion. I think it is also fun because it is something that the people in my religion do together and I think it brings us closer and not only that but I really really really enjoy food. There is so many different kind of foods too because almost every family makes a regular meal and the neighborhood or you could say friends get together and feast.
                   I think this holiday is very unique to us too because not every religion does it in Saudi Arabia, a big part of it does but for those who don't we get to share with them what we do and it could help them become a part of our religion. I feel like this holiday is almost like Christmas or Thanksgiving after we fast since we just eat. Like I said before I look at this feast as a giant awards for us being strong through the fast.

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